Configuring workflow information

A workflow describes a collection of tasks that are executed sequentially. A workflow can be assigned to a trading partner, customer, or Ship To address.

See Creating a workflow.

After you create a workflow, you must configure it. You configure a workflow by assigning tasks to it.

To configure a workflow:

  1. Select Shipping > Configuration > Workflows
  2. Click Create above the Workflow List.
  3. Review and specify this information, as appropriate:
    Effective from Date
    This field shows the first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The settings are valid until the Effective to Date.
    Workflow Name
    This field shows the name of the workflow. You can select the workflow that is stored in the master data from the drop-down list.
    This field shows the level for which the workflow has been defined.
    Review or provide a one-line description, note, or remark.
    Effective to Date
    This field shows the last day on which a record or a setting is valid. See Effective from Date.
    Accounting Entity

    For each user, one or more accounting entities can be configured in the security administration. For a specific user, you must set one of these accounting entities as default accounting entity.

    Each transaction belongs to this default accounting entity of the user. The user can alter the default accounting entity using the Accounting Entity combo box.

    The user can view the data of the default and all other assigned accounting entities.

    Optionally, provide a note.
  4. Add a task.
    1. Click Create in the Task section to add a task.
    2. Specify this information:
      Sequence Number
      This number indicates the order in which the lines within a shipment are displayed and the order in which the tasks are processed.
      Task Code
      This field shows the name of the task. A task is a sort of operation that can be executed in Shipping.
      Task Type
      This field shows the task type. A task is an activity performed on a shipment or shipper, for example, the printing of single labels.
      These task types are available:
      • Automatic
      • Manual
  5. Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to discard the changes.
    The editing mode is closed.