
Customer-related Packaging Information

On the Packaging Information page, the displayed information can now be sorted and filtered by the new columns Customer and Ship To.

In the detail view of the page, the fields Customer/Accounting Entity and Ship To/Accounting Entity have been added. These fields uniquely identify a customer and a ship to party in an accounting entity. In Edit mode, pairs of customer/accounting entity and ship to/accounting entity can be selected from drop-down lists.

In the Weights and Dimensions field set, a blank value can now be selected from non-required drop-down lists.

When printing from the Manage Shippers or Manage Warehouse Containers page, the Packaging Information is based on data in this priority:

  • Container Type (Accounting Entity), Customer/Accounting Entity, Ship To/Accounting Entity
  • Container Type (Accounting Entity), Customer/Accounting Entity, null
  • Container Type (Accounting Entity), null, Ship To/Accounting Entity
  • Container Type (Accounting Entity), null, null
  • Container Type, Customer and Ship To from either the shipment or the warehouse container as appropriate