Business application configuration and features

Infor d/EPM business applications are not supported in IRIS (Infor Regulated Industries SaaS).

Improvement to selection of multiple versions

When you select from the multiple versions list, the version that is already selected in the context selection is not displayed in the list.

Account / sub plan mapping improvements and renaming

Account / sub plan mapping has been redesigned and renamed to Account activation to sub plan. You can change the configuration set selection in the account activation configuration. Changing the global context selection is no longer required.

The selection of a consolidated account with all its children is enabled on the Account activation report. You can also select which columns are displayed on the report.

Improvement to the mandatory comments option for values entered through the detailed tab

Values that are entered through detailed tabs are then displayed on the Data Entry tab. If the Mandatory Comments option in workflow configuration is selected, a planner must enter a comment related to previously entered values to submit the task.

Hierarchical approval adjustments

When adding a step in a workflow configuration, the Hierarchical option is only available for financial planning steps that have the Organization Planning option enabled. To configure hierarchical approval for a given step, ensure that when you create the new financial planning step, the Organization Planning option is selected.

This change applies to decision package and decision package top down workbooks.

Hierarchical approval improvement

The Enable Modification option is removed from the Edit Planning Step dialog if organizational planning is activated. You can modify the hierarchical approval through the Configure Hierarchical Approval dialog.

Decision package top down improvement

When adding steps to a stage of a decision package top down workflow, the Enable modifications option is selected by default. You can disable this option for all steps except the first of a given stage. If the first step is deleted, the Enable modifications option is selected for the next step and modifications cannot be disabled for this step.