ExpandLevels(1, «InputSet»)
returns any members that are not descendants from the input set.
ExpandLevels(N, «InputSet»)
where N > 1
returns a set that consists of elements produced by
ExpandLevels(1, «InputSet»)
, followed
by N-1
calls to DrillDownInSet(ResultSet, InputSet)
retains duplicates.
In this case, the number of levels is the number of levels within the input set, not within the hierarchy.
«ResultSet» ExpandLevels(N, «InputSet»)
Example 1
In this example, the result is members from the [BaseSet]
that are not descendants of other members in
the set.
ExpandLevels(1, [BaseSet])
Example 2
In this example, the result is from ExpandLevels(1)
and DrillDownInSet
. The DrillDownInSet
is using the result of ExpandLevels(1)
ExpandLevels(2, [BaseSet])
Example 3
In this example, the result is a combination from ExpandLevels(1)
plus the first and second DrillDownInSet
. In the first DrillDownInSet
, it is using the result
of ExpandLevels(1)
. On the second
, it is using the
result of previous DrillDownInSet
ExpandLevels(3, [BaseSet])