Cube Create

Creates a cube.

These characters are not allowed for cube names: [ ] \ / : * ? " < > | <TAB> <LF> <CR>.

The maximum length of CubeName is 50 characters or 150 bytes. If CubeName is greater than 50 characters or 150 bytes, ErrorID = 197 is returned.

Spaces are trimmed automatically at the beginning and the end of CubeName. The cube is created using the trimmed CubeName. Other white spaces are not allowed and result in ErrorID = 197.

String elements in all but the last dimension are handled as numeric elements.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="Create">
    <Alea:Cube Name="CubeName">
      <Alea:Description>Cube Long Name</Alea:Description>
      <Alea:Dimension Name="Dimension 1" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="Dimension 2" />
      <!-- the following dimensions are optional -->
      <Alea:Dimension Name="Dimension 3" />
      <!-- ... -->
      <Alea:Dimension Name="Dimension 30" />


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001">
