Adding a hierarchy and elements


This request adds a new hierarchy and elements to the new hierarchy. Replace \t with a horizontal tabulator before executing the request.

These characters are not allowed for hierarchy or element names: [ ] \ / : * ? " < > | <TAB> <LF> <CR>.

The maximum. length of a hierarchy name is 50 characters or 150 bytes. If a hierarchy name is greater than 50 chars, ErrorID = 325 is returned. If a hierarchy name is greater than 150 bytes, ErrorID = 75 is returned.

The maximum length of an element name is 71 chars or 213 bytes. If an element name is greater than 71 chars or 213 bytes, ErrorID = 164 is returned. If an error is returned, the element is not created, but the other objects are created.

Spaces are trimmed automatically at the beginning and the end of hierarchy or element name. The hierarchy and the element are created using the trimmed name. Other white spaces are not allowed and result in ErrorID = 325.

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea=""> 
  <Alea:Request RequestID="4" Class="Dimension" Method="Write"> 
    <Alea:Dimension Name="Org" FirstBatch="true" LastBatch="true" > 
      <Alea:DimensionTemplate Name="Org"/>
        <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Org as of 2013">
          <Alea:Elements>N\tWater Department
N\tFootball Department
\tWater Department</Alea:Elements>