Cube SetCellNoteDimensionMask

Sets the dimension mask which defines the visibility of the cell notes on cells.

Normally, a cell note is a note to one single cell. A cell is addressed by a cell coordinate that contains exactly one element for each of the dimensions of a cube.

An administrator can define that one or more dimensions of a cube will be disregarded when addressing cell notes. For example, the same comment will be applied to several cells. A dimensions mask is used to do that.

For example, if you mask the TIME dimension, then your cell comment is visible no matter which element of the TIME dimension is chosen. The other dimensions must also be specified.

The execution of SetCellNoteDimensionMask deletes all existing notes in that cube.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="SetCellNoteDimensionMask">
    <Alea:Cube Name="TOTSALES">
      <Alea:Dimension Name="YEARS"/>
      <Alea:Dimension Name="ACTVSBUD"/>
      <Alea:Dimension Name="REGION"/>
      <Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT"/>


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001">
    <Alea:Return />


This request masks the dimensions TIME, VERSION, PRODUCT, and PROFIT:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="SetCellNoteDimensionMask">
    <Alea:Cube Name="SALES">
      <Alea:Dimension Name="TIME" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="VERSION" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="PROFIT" />

When the cell note is set with PutCellNote, then the visibility of the cell note does not depend on the values of TIME, VERSION, PRODUCT, and PROFIT even though they are set explicitly in this example:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="PutCellNote">
    <Alea:CellCoordinates Cube="SALES">
      <Alea:Element Dimension="PROFIT" Name="Revenue" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="TIME" Name="2009" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="VERSION" Name="Actual" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="CURRTYPE" Name="EUR" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="LEVEL" Name="IFRS" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="UNIT" Name="C1101" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="INTERCO" Name="TotalPartner" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="PRODUCT" Name="AS600/175" Hierarchy="Tire Size" />
    <Alea:CellNote>My Precious Cell Note</Alea:CellNote>

You can get the cell note when you omit all masked dimensions in GetCellNote:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="GetCellNote">
    <Alea:CellCoordinates Cube="SALES">
      <Alea:Element Dimension="CURRTYPE" Name="EUR" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="LEVEL" Name="IFRS" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="UNIT" Name="C1101" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="INTERCO" Name="TotalPartner" />

You can get the cell note even when you use different values for the masked dimensions in GetCellNote than you used with PutCellNote. For example, TIME has the value 2009 in PutCellNote, in this example the value is 2017:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="GetCellNote">
    <Alea:CellCoordinates Cube="SALES">
      <Alea:Element Dimension="TIME" Name="2017" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="VERSION" Name="Forecast" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="CURRTYPE" Name="EUR" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="LEVEL" Name="IFRS" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="UNIT" Name="C1101" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="INTERCO" Name="TotalPartner" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="PRODUCT" Name="C2002 Citynet" Hierarchy="Tire Size" />
      <Alea:Element Dimension="PROFIT" Name="Price per Unit" />