Specifying default permissions
The level of access that users have to the data in an OLAP data source is controlled by these access cubes:
- TABACC: Controls cube access
- DAC: The Dimension Access Cube controls element access
- MDAC: The Multidimensional Access Cube controls access to cube cells
Permissions are managed by writing permissions, for each role, into the access cube cells.
In the Default Permission options to define default permissions for TABACC and DAC. Use the Default Permission in Multidimensional Access Cubes options to specify the default permission in MDAC. The default permissions are used when cells in access cubes are empty: that is, when no other permissions have been identified for a role and cube, role and element, or role and cell.
widget, use theTypically, the default permission for TABACC and DAC is None and the default permission for MDAC is Read.
Use the Manage Permissions dashboard to specify different levels of access to specific cubes for specific user roles. Select