Initializing the budget

  1. In Infor Ming.le, select BI FSM from the App Menu.
  2. Select Dashboards > CSF to d/EPM Integration > Integration Budget Initialize.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Test. You must get a successful connection before continuing.
  5. Go to the Create Budget step and click START.
    A wizard opens to start the budget process.
  6. If a structure update is needed, select Yes.
  7. Select the Infor d/EPM dimension to update.
  8. Click INITIATE.
  9. Repeat for each dimension requiring an update until all structure updates are complete.
  10. In Infor d/EPM, click Cloud Suite Financials.
  11. Click Replace and Publish.
  12. Select No if structure update is not required.
  13. Click NEXT.
  14. Click SAVE.

If you updated the structure, go to Infor d/EPM and verify the configuration set.