Search method

This method retrieves the search result for a specified content connection.


Method URL


Parameter Type Value
Accept HEAD application/json

Where application is the application to connect to.

Cookie HEAD

ASP.NET_SessionId_app = <session_app_key>

Where session_app_key is the Set-Cookie returned by the login request.

<application> URL_PARAM String specifying the name of the application.
<contentconnection_id> URL_PARAM String specifying the unique name provided in the response to the content connection request.
<query> URL_PARAM String specifying the search query. For example:query = *
<username> URL_PARAM String specifying the user name.
<password> URL_PARAM String specifying the password.


Status Response
200 The response is an array containing the list of contents (object). Each item in the response array has the following structure:
   "id": "contentitemid",
   "text": "Name"

For example:

      "id": "11e1e111-42f6-4ff2-9151-ff0daa1d554a",
      "text": "Popups",
       "id": "22e2e222-42f6-4ff2-9151-ff0daa1d554a",
       "text": "ExtJS Widgets",
      "id": "33e3e333-42f6-4ff2-9151-ff0daa1d554a",
      "text": "Client Info",
      "query": "IMDB",
      "description": "Client info description"
      "template": templateObject  