Using a regular expression in a variable

This example is based on the Samples application, which can be enabled in on-premises environments. It uses a hyperblock created from the Product dimension.
  1. Create a report variable named rv_ShortString.
  2. Set the value of the variable to a short string, such as er.
  3. In Design mode, click the hyperblock.
  4. Click Filter in the List Designer.
  5. Click New Filter.
  6. In Filter Settings, select Filter By > Caption.
  7. Select Filter Type > Regular Expression.
  8. Select Condition > Equals.
  9. In the Regular Expression field open the Edit Custom MDX dialog.
  10. Select rv_ShortString from the list of report variables.
    The list contains all elements with captions that contain the string 'er'. For example, Summer Tires.