Structure Selection
In Structure Selection you specify which elements of a list to use in a report. You can select list elements individually or by reference to their position in a hierarchy. For example, in a hierarchy of regions, you could select each member of the European Union individually or you could select them as the children of the parent, Europe.
Each element and level of a list has a check box. Select the boxes to select elements or levels.
Structure Selection contains buttons and functions to select elements according to their position in the hierarchy. An example of a button is Select Children. This displays only the children of a parent.
Edit Formula
In all cases in which the Selection Settings field is enabled (for example, when you select Children, Parent or Siblings in Structure Selection), <Edit Formula> is an option. Instead of specifying a particular element, you can write an MDX formula to define which element to use.
Whole hierarchy
If you have selected elements in Structure Selection, the
check box is enabled. To go back to the original list without undoing all your changes select . Clear the check box to use your list selections.