Special format string

You can use a special format to display combinations of output formats. For example, you might display both the unique name and the caption of elements.

<Special Format String> is an option in these dialog boxes and fields:

  • Format Hyperblock dialog box: The option is in the Display Value field of the key output cell.
  • Format Listview dialog box: The option is in the Text format of the list field.

    In previous versions of Infor d/EPM Platform the option was available only for hyperblocks, not for other list views.

You can use a special format to display combinations of output formats. For example, you might display both the unique name and the caption of elements. In earlier versions of Infor d/EPM Platform, you could select such combinations of output formats in the Text format of the list field. In the current version, such selections are automatically converted to the format strings shown in this table:

Old selection New format string
Unique Name Unique Name
Caption Caption
Unique Name - Caption U-C
Caption - Unique Name C-U
(Unique Name) Caption (U) C
(Caption) Unique Name (C) U
Attribute Attribute 1
Unique Name - Attribute U-A1
Attribute - Unique Name A1-U
Caption Attribute C A1
Attribute Caption A1 C
(Unique Name) Attribute (U) A1
(Attribute) Unique Name (A1) U
(Caption) Attribute (C) A1
(Attribute) Caption (A1) C
Unique Name (Caption) U (C)
Caption (Unique Name) C (U)

Special format string

You can use the Special Format String option to display these characteristics of elements:

  • Unique name
  • Caption
  • Attribute
  • Property

You can display a single characteristic or a combination of characteristics. If you display two or more characteristics, you can specify a separator. For example, specify U - C to display the unique name and caption of elements, separated by a hyphen or specify U + A to display the unique name and attribute of elements, separated by a plus sign.

Elements can have multiple attributes and properties. Specify, for example, A1+A2+A3 to display the first three attributes, or P1+P2+P3 to display the first three properties.

If no attributes have been defined, an empty string is returned. If no properties have been defined, the element caption is returned.

You can specify the special format string directly in the Special Format String dialog, or specify the string in a variable and select the variable in the Special Format String dialog box.