Creating a style sheet for widgets

  1. In the report catalog, right-click the Style Sheets folder and select New > Style Sheet.
  2. In the Row Properties dialog box, specify these characteristics for the specified rows:
    Row Height (px) Variable
    1 common_ShowHiddenRange
    2 43
    3 36
  3. Create a style with these characteristics and apply it to Row 2:
    • Style name: Heading 1
    • Alignment: Standard, Middle
    • Fonts: Arial, 14
    • Border: Border Bottom
  4. Create a style with these characteristics and apply it to Row 3:
    • Style name: Toolbar
    • Border: Border bottom
    • Pattern: One color
    • Image: No Image
  5. Create a style with these characteristics:
    • Style name: Neutral
    • Number format: ;;;

    When you apply this style to text, the text is hidden.

  6. Apply the Standard style to cells A2 and A3.
  7. Save the style sheet.