This function takes a numeric value that is formatted in the current culture. It returns a text representation of the value, formatted in neutral culture.

TEXTNEUTRAL transforms only numeric values. Currency formats are converted into text strings with the same meaning. For example, £#,##0;-£#,##0 is converted to "£"#,##0;-"£"#,##0.



The format must be specified in the current culture.

If the current culture is non-neutral, then the thousand and decimal separators of the current culture are replaced by those of neutral culture.


In this example the current culture is English (neutral).

Cell B26 contains this numeric value: 12345.67.

Cell A26 contains this number format in the current, neutral, culture:

#,##0 "Kč";#,##0 "Kč"

Cell C26 contains this formula: =TEXTNEUTRAL(B26,A26)

The formula returns this neutral text representation of the value: 12,346 Kč


In this example, the current culture is Czech (non-neutral).

Cell B26 contains this numeric value: 12345,67.

Cell A26 contains this number format in the current, non-neutral, culture:

# ##0 Kč;-# ##0 Kč

Cell C26 contains this formula: =TEXTNEUTRAL(B26,A26)

The formula returns this neutral text representation of the value: 12,346 Kč