Edit OLAP Formula wizard

To open the Wizard, click Edit OLAP Formula on the Objects toolbar.

You can create formulas with the Edit OLAP Formula wizard, or with the Insert Function dialog.

We recommend that you use the Edit OLAP Formula wizard to create formulas such as ROC, in which the order of the referenced dimensions is important.

The layout of the Edit OLAP Formula dialog varies according to the type of formula you select from the Formula type list.

This table shows the formulas that are created by selecting different formula types and options. For example, to create a ROC formula, select Cell values from the Formula type list and select Fixed mode:

Formula typeOptionsResulting formula
Cell valuesCELLGET
Allow writebackWritable CELLGET
Fixed modeROC
Fixed mode + Allow writebackRWC
Cell notesNOTEGET
Fixed modeRON
Fixed mode + Allow writebackRWN
Allow writebackWritable CELLPROPERTYGET
Slice valuesSLICEGET
Allow writebackWritable SLICEGET
Relational valuesRDB
Allow writebackRWDB
Allow writebackRWA
KPI valuesROK