Other Options tab

The Other Options tab is a tab of the Chart Options dialog.

You can specify these options on the Other Options tab:

  • How values which are missing from the chart data are represented
  • Whether to display all chart categories automatically
  • Whether the chart should be animated
Empty Values

These options specify how empty values are displayed:

  • Not plotted: This is the default. Missing values are not estimated and not plotted on the chart.
  • Interpolated: Values for the missing data are estimated from the previous and subsequent values in the data series.
  • Zero: The missing values are plotted as if they had a value of Zero.
By default, charts display a data series for each chart category. In a chart without axes - a pie chart for example - you can specify the number of categories and so determine the number of data series to display. To display fewer data series than there are categories, select User-defined and specify a number of categories. For charts with axes, you can specify both the number and sequence of categories to display.
Some charts types can be interactive. For example, chart shapes are highlighted and tooltips are displayed in response to movement of the mouse.
Interactive charts can also be animated. For example, when a column chart loads, the columns rise from zero to their correct heights.
Padding is applied to the chart area and accounts for the difference between the size of plot area and the size of the entire chart. Padding is apparent if you specify different background colors for the plot and chart areas.

The amount of padding is determined by the chart axes and their labels. Padding is enabled by default but, in some cases, you can improve the appearance of a chart and simplify its alignment with other report objects by disabling the padding.