Legacy functions



void LegacyLookupMapInitialize(string mapname)


Creates a new lookup map with a specified name. If a map with the same name already exists, it will be removed.

Supported Runtime Versions

1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
mapname The name of the map.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



bool LegacyLookupMapLookupKey(string mapname, string key1, string key2, bool insert)


This function generally allows to remember whether a combination of two keys has already been used. It can be used to avoid that, for example, the same combination of a company with an intercompany will be processed more than once. Example: Two companies A and B, which both are also intercompanies, should be processed. A is processed with intercompany A and B, and company B is processed also with intercompany A and B. This results in the combinations A->B and B->A. If now all the processing is already done for A->B, it is not wanted to process B->A also. Therefore, create a new map and when processing A->B insert into the map keys A and B. The map will provide now that (A,B) but also (B,A) has been processed. Before handling any combination, the map must be read for the current combination and skipped, if it is already included.

Supported Runtime Versions

1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
mapname The name of the map to use.
key1 The first key.
key2 The second key.
insert If true, keys are added to the map. Otherwise, keys are only queried.

Return Value

True, if the key is in the list, false otherwise.