Dimension query with a compound filter and swapped sub-conditions
In this example, variable latitudeAttribute is always on the right side. Therefore, it is not a name of an attribute and it does not imply retrieving or comparing an attribute.
OLAPConnection connection = OLAPCreateNamedConnection("");
string errorMessage = "";
int errorCode = 0;
string sDimension = "Region";
string sHierarchy = "Region";
double latitudeAttribute = 0.0;
string latitudeAttributeName = "Latitude";
string nameAttribute = "Name";
OLAPElementList list = on connection select all from sDimension
with sHierarchy
where ((-40.0 > latitudeAttribute) or (40.0 < latitudeAttribute))
order by nameAttribute asc, parentcount desc;
foreach (OLAPElement e in list)
WriteLine("\t" + ToString(e) + "\t\t\tLatitude: " + OLAPGetDoubleAttribute(connection, e, latitudeAttributeName));
catch (errorMessage, errorCode)
WriteLine("Exception: " + errorMessage);
The dimension query selects all elements from hierarchy sHierarchy
dimension sDimension
and filters them. The filtering itself compares
objects -40.0 and 40.0 to a variable
latitudeAttribute. If the latitudeAttribute variable
is not of type double
, the code is not valid. If the
latitudeAttribute variable is of type double
, the code
is valid. In this example the filtering is independent of all elements and attributes, it is
dependent only on the initial value of latitudeAttribute.