Pending operations

The Pending Operations widget lists objects that have been checked out for editing or deletion, typically in Application Studio. Select Dashboards > Farm Administration > Repository.

When a user opens a report in Application Studio, the report (and all its objects) is checked out to that user. If the user makes changes to the report, other users cannot see those changes until the report is checked in again.

In normal circumstances, pending operations are not a cause for concern and do not require any intervention.

Do not use this feature as an alternative to the check in and check out options in Application Studio.

Tick, cross, and arrow icons in the first column of the widget indicate, respectively, whether an object is checked out, deleted, or inserted. You can apply a filter on the first column to view, for example, only checked out objects.

The Pending Operations widget has these buttons:

  • Accept: Click to check in a checked-out object
  • Cancel: Click to undo a check-out on an object

The Pending Operations widget can be used for these purposes:

Checking in before an application update

We recommend this procedure:

  1. Use the widget to identify which users have objects that are checked-out.
  2. Ask the users to check in any work that they have open.
  3. If any objects remain checked out, for example because a user is unavailable, check them in.

Checking in the content of an unavailable user

If a user has checked-out content and is not available to check it in, you can check in or discard the content.

We recommend this procedure:

  1. Filter the widget to show all the user's objects.
  2. Check in or discard the objects in this order:
    1. ReportingFolder
    2. ReportingReports: This checks in report variables, slices, and other report objects
    3. ProjectSharedString:This checks in objects that belong to the string
    4. Objects such as images, global variables, etc.

Fixing a broken standard application update

In rare cases, an update of a standard application may end inconsistently. In this case, the widget shows a checked out Project object.

Check in the object to check in the object and its dependencies in the correct order.

Troubleshooting software issues

In rare cases, objects that are not used by Application Studio may be checked out or Application Studio objects are checked out inconsistently.

We recommend that you check in the objects in this order:

  1. ReportingFolder
  2. ReportingReports: This checks in report variables, slices, and other report objects
  3. ProjectSharedString:This checks in objects that belong to the string
  4. Objects such as images, global variables, etc.