
This section describes the navigation.

This table describes the icons that you use to perform various actions:

Icon Description
Infor OS Portalnavigation menu button Opens the Infor OS Portal navigation menu of applications, including workspaces.

To access workspaces, open Infor OS Portal and select Workspaces from the navigation menu.

More icon

Opens the Workspaces menu, which includes options to manage workspaces and to access the catalogs.

Opens a menu of options that are specific to the widget. The menu includes an Advanced menu which is common to all widgets, and includes options to duplicate and publish the widget.

Add icon

Adds a widget or a banner widget to a workspace.

Adds a new workspace.

Edit icon Edits a workspace or publishing configurations.
Cancel icon Cancels an action or a choice.
Save icon Saves changes.
Publish icon Publishes or republishes a widget.
Settings icon Opens a widget settings dialog box.