The YTDRanges calculation method uses information as described in this
This information is required for the WFB_BenefitCost table:
- The value for BenefitCostSalary can be Benefit or Cost.
- The value for BenefitCostCode is a unique ID.
- The value for BenefitCostName is free text.
- The value for Account is one of the available accounts specified for the configuration set.
- The value for YTD can be Fiscal or Calendar. If the field is empty, then the default is Fiscal.
- The value for CalcType is always YTDRanges.
- The value for DateType is one of the available date types. If the field is empty, then the default is CalendarDate.
- The value for CalcMethod is always Across Periods. If the field is empty, then the default is Across Periods.
This non-global information is required for the WFB_BenefitCost table:
- The value for GlobalOrDetailed is always Detailed. If the field is empty, then the default is Detailed.
This global information is required for the WFB_BenefitCost table:
- The value for GlobalOrDetailed is always Global. The field cannot be empty.
- If the value of the DateType field is set to CalendarDate, then the EffectiveStart field must be filled by the user.
- Scope. There is no default.
This non-global information is optional for the WFB_BenefitCost table:
- AllowBudgeterToApply. If the field is empty, then the default is Active.
This global information is optional for the WFB_BenefitCost table:
- EffectiveEnd. There is no default.
- CalcByEmployee. If the field is empty, then the default is Disable.
This information is required for the WFB_BenefitCostBasedOn table:
- BenefitCostCode
- BasedOnBenefitCostCode
This information is required for the WFB_BenefitCostRange table:
- Currency
- BenefitCostCode
- Percent
- LowValue
- HighValue
If YTDRanges uses Cap, then this information in the WFB_BenefitCostCaps table is required.
- Currency
- BenefitCostCode
- Cap