Overview of the business objects
Within those categories are individual business objects, such as entities (organizational), accounts (financial), and analysis dimensions (custom).
These are the business objects for workforce:
- Job
Workforce Job (WBDJOB) dimension
- Position
Workforce Position (WBPOSITION) dimension
- Employee
Workforce Employee (WBDEMPLOYEE) dimension
These are the business objects for Workforce Budgeting:
- Actions
Workforce Budgeting Action (WBDACTION) dimension
- Allocation
Workforce Budgeting Allocation (WBDALLOCATION) dimension
- Period
Workforce Budgeting Days (WBDDAY) and Workforce Budgeting Period (WBDPERIOD) dimensions
- Phasing Methods
Workforce Budgeting Phasing (WBDPHASING) dimension
- Position Assignment
Workforce Position (WBDPOSITION) dimension
- Salary Table
Workforce Budgeting Salary Table (WBDSG_TABLE ), Workforce Budgeting Salary Table Grade (WBDSG_GRADE) and Workforce Budgeting Salary Table Step (WBDSG_STEP) dimensions
- Salary, Benefit, Cost Definition
Workforce Budgeting Based on Benefit Cost (WBD_BASEDON_BENEFITCOST), Workforce Budgeting Benefit Cost (WBD_BENEFITCOST), Workforce Budgeting Calculation Types (WBDCALCULATION_TYPE), Schedule Details (BPDDETAIL), and Workforce Budgeting Benefit Cost Range (WBDBC_RANGE) dimensions
- Progression rules
Workforce Budgeting Longevity (WBDLONGEVITY) and Workforce Budgeting Progression (WBDPROGRESSION) dimensions
- Scenario
Version (BPDVERSION) and Planning Parameters (BPDPARAMETER) dimensions
These are the financial budgeting business objects for global configuration:
- Application modules and features
Planning Configuration (BPDCONFIGURATION) and Applications (BPDAPPLICATION) dimensions
- Calendar
Calendar (BPDTIME0 dimension
- Configuration set
Planning Cycle (BPDCYCLE) dimension
- Lists
Dynamic Attributes Lists (ATDLIST) dimension, ATDLIST, PAYBASIS, and SOURCESYSTEM hierarchies
- Version
Version (BPDVERSION) dimension
- Level
Levels (BPDLEVEL) dimension
- Parameter
Planning Parameters (BPDPARAMETER) dimension
These are the business objects for custom driven structures:
- Account
Accounts (BPDACCOUNT) dimension
- Analysis dimension
Analysis 01-11 (BPDANALYSIS_01 through BPDANALYSIS_11) dimensions, excludes Decision Package (BPDANALYSIS_06) dimension
- Entity
Entities (BPDENTITY) and Intercompanies (BPDINTERCOMPANY) dimensions
- Organization
Organization (BPDORGANIZATION) dimension
- Measures
Account (BPDACCOUNT) dimension
- Schedule
Schedule Details (BPDDETAIL) dimension
- Line Details
Schedule Details (BPDDETAIL) dimension, Line Details (TOTAL_DETAIL_LINE) hierarchy
- Segments
Segment 1 (BPDPSEGMENT), Segment 2 (BPDSSEGMENT), and Segment 3 (BPDTSEGMENT) dimensions
These are the business objects for navigation:
- Navigation
Navigation (BPDNAVIGATION) dimension
These are the business object for currency exchange:
- Currency
Currencies (BPDCURRENCY), Exchange Rates (EXDCCURRENCY), and Group Currencies (EXDGCURRENCY) dimensions
- Rate Types
Exchange Rates (EXDRATE) and Currency Type (EXDTYPE) dimensions
These are the business objects for Decision packages:
- Decision packages (BPDANALYSIS_06) dimension
These are the business objects for dynamic attributes:
- Attribute forms
Entity Dynamic Attributes (ATDATTRIBUTE_EMPLOYEE), Job Dynamic Attributes (ATDATTRIBUTE_JOB), and Position Dynamic Attributes (ATDATTRIBUTE_POSITION) dimensions
These are the business objects for finance:
- Financial Planning Steps
Flexible Elements (BPDNO) dimension
These are the business objects for workflow:
- Conditions
Workflow Conditions (WFDCONDITION) dimension
- User Groups
System Users (#_SysUsr) dimension
- Stages
Levels (BPDLEVEL) dimension
- Task
Step (BPDSTEP) dimension
- Users
System Users (#_SysUsr) dimension
- Workflow Configuration
Workflow Logic Ids (WFDLOGIC), Workflow Logic Blocks (WFDLOGIC_BLOCK), Workflow Logic Members (WFDLOGIC_MEMBER), and Workflow Tracking (WFDTRACKING) dimensions
- Workflow Type
Applications (BPDAPPLICATION) dimension
These are the business objects for Workbook Wizard:
- Workbook
Workbook (WWDWORKBOOK) dimension
- Workbook Categories
Dashboard Workbook Wizard (WWDDASHBOARD), Tabs Workbook Wizard (WWDTAB), Workbook Wizard Type (WWDTYPE), and Widget Workbook Wizard (WWDWIDGET) dimensions