Benefit cost

General data related to salary, benefit, and cost, such as amounts and ranges.

The table is WFB_BenefitCost.

Field Type Required Description
BenefitCostSalary [nvarchar] (252)


Y Type of salary, benefit or cost action.

The valid values are SALARY, BENEFIT or COST.


  • For the BaseRateAmountChange and BaseRatePercentChange calculation types, the only allowed value is SALARY.


  • For all other calculation types, the valid values are BENEFIT and COST.
BenefitCostCode [nvarchar] (200)


Y Unique ID of the salary, benefit or cost in the Salary, Benefit, Cost Definition business objects.
BenefitCostName [nvarchar] (252)


Y Salary, benefit or cost name.

Free text.

Account [nvarchar] (200)


Y Valid base salary account ID in the Account business object that has been activated for the configuration set in which data will be loaded.
EffectiveStart [datetime]


Y/N Effective start date.

Required for global benefits and costs that have date type set to Calendar Date.

Does not apply to any other benefit or cost.

EffectiveEnd [datetime]


N Effective end date.

Only applies to global benefits and costs that have a calculation type of PercentOfPeriodic or YTDRanges.

YTDType [nvarchar] (252)


N Year to date fiscal or calendar calculation type.

It applies to these calculation types:

  • QuantityXRate
  • PercentOfPeriodic
  • YTDRanges

The valid values are:

  • Fiscal
  • Calendar

The default is Fiscal.

CalcByEmployee [nvarchar] (3)


N Calculation by employee across positions.

These values are valid:

  • 1 to enable.
  • 0 to disable.

The CalcByEmployee property is used by the PercentOfPeriodic and YTDRanges calculation types for global benefits and costs.

The default value is disabled.

CalcType [nvarchar] (252)


Y Calculation type of salary, benefits, and cost.

These are the salary calculation types:

  • BaseRateAmountChange
  • BaseRatePercentChange

These are the benefit, pay, and cost calculation types:

  • YTDRanges
  • PercentOfPeriodic
  • PercentOfAnnualized
  • FlatAmount
  • QuantityXRate
  • PremiumPercentBaseRate
  • PremiumAmountBaseRate
  • PremiumPercentPremiumRate
  • PremiumAmountPremiumRate
GlobalOrDetailed [nvarchar] (252)


N Whether the benefit or cost definition is global or detail.

The valid values are Global or Detailed.

Global must be one of these calculation types:

  • PercentOfPeriodic
  • PercentOfAnnualized
  • YTDRanges

The default is Detailed.

Value1 [float] (53)


Y/N Value of the amount, percent, and rate depending on the calculation type of the action.

If the calculation type is YTDRanges, do not specify a value for Value1 as it does not apply to this type.

If non-global such as Detailed, Benefit, Cost:

  • Value1 is optional with no default.
  • Value1 is used to specify the default amount, percent, or rate which can be overridden by the user when creating an action.

If global benefit or cost, Value1 is required.

If you are using one of these calculation types and you use dated values, do not specify Value 1:

  • FlatAmount that is spread (Calculation method across periods)
  • RateXQuantity that is spread (Calculation method is across periods)
  • PercentOfPeriodic (Calculation method is across periods)
  • PercentOfAnnualized (Calculation method is single period)
Value2 [float] (53)


N Value of QuantityXRate type action to specify the default quantity. It can be overridden by the user when creating an action.

Value2 is used only by these calculation types:

  • QuantityXRate
  • QuantityXRate with dated values

There is no default for Value2.

DateType [nvarchar] (252)


N Type of date that the rule is based on, must be an attribute of employee or position.

These benefits and costs are calculated by employee:

  • EmployeeEffectiveStart
  • EmployeeEffectiveEnd
  • HireDate
  • PromotionDate
  • LongevityDate
  • CalendarDate

These benefits and costs are not calculated by employee:

  • EmployeeEffectiveStart
  • EmployeeEffectiveEnd
  • AssignmentEffectiveStart
  • AssignmentEffectiveEnd
  • PositionEffectiveStart
  • PositionEffectiveEnd
  • HireDate
  • PromotionDate
  • FundingAvailable
  • LongevityDate
  • CalendarDate

This is optional. The default is Calendar Date.

CalculationMethod [bit]


N One time or regularly paid benefit

It applies to these calculation types:

  • Calculation types Flat Amount and Quantity X Rate can use single period or across periods.
  • Non-global or global calculation type Percent of Annualized can use only single period.
  • Other calculation types use only across periods.

The valid values are:

  • 1 to apply across periods.
  • 0 to apply to a single period.

This is optional. The default is 1 except the Percent of Annualized calculation type where the default is 0.

ShiftDifferential [nvarchar] (3)


N Definition from which the action is created.

Applies to non-global benefits and costs calculation type PremiumAmountBaseRate.

The valid values are:

  • Yes for active.
  • No for inactive.

This is optional. The default is Yes for PremiumAmountBaseRate.

AllowBudgeterToApply [bit]


N Enable a user to apply the cost or benefit to positions or employees.

The valid values are:

  • Yes for active. Rate for the period is calculated using the action amount.
  • No for inactive. Rate for the period is calculated by adding the action amount to the current base rate.

Only applies to non-global benefits and costs.

This is optional. The default is yes.

AllowBudgeterToOverride [bit]


N Allow budgeters to input different values.

The valid values are:

  • 1 for active.
  • 0 for inactive.

All calculation types for global benefits and costs and calculation type YTD Ranges for benefits and costs must have a value 0. The default is 0.

All other calculation types for benefits and costs can be 0 or 1. The default is 1.

Scope [nvarchar] (252)


Y/N Scope represents entity to which the benefit or cost definition applies.

The valid values are:

  • A single BPDENTITY.
  • A value that represents all entities. The valid values for all entities are TOTAL_ENTITY or ALLENTITIES.

Required for global benefits.

DatedValues [bit]


N Specify one or more benefits and costs values for different date ranges.

The valid values are:

  • 1 for active.
  • 0 for inactive.

These values are used for non-global calculation types:

  • Flat Amount that is spread(CalculationMethod is across periods)
  • Quantity X Rate that is spread (CalculationMethod is across periods).
  • Percent of periodic. (CalculationMethod is across periods)
  • Percent of annualized. (CalculationMethod is a single period).

The default is inactive.