Switching between environments

The environment is specified in the manifest file. To switch a report from, for example, test environment to production, you must clear the Office cache, clean up the Microsoft Excel workbook or Microsoft Word document, and remove all task pane add-ins. Then, you can replace the manifest file and add the new manifest manually to your Microsoft Excel workbook or Microsoft Word document.

  1. Open the report in Excel or Word.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Click the Info option.
  4. Select Check for Issues > Inspect Document.
  5. Ensure that the Task Pane Add-ins option is selected and click Inspect.
  6. Click Remove All in the Task Pane Add-ins section.
    Note: In Excel, when you remove the task pane add-ins from the workbook, custom functions do not work until a new Infor EPM add-in is added to that workbook. In rare cases, instead of a user-friendly name, for example, INFOR.GET.ELEMENT, a technical name might be shown, such as INFOR_BP_OIS.GETELEMENT. Cells might also display a #NAME? error. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9 to fully rebuild the calculation tree. If this does not resolve the issue, use Ctrl+F to find the technical name of the formula, for example, INFOR_BP_OIS.GETELEMENT and replace it with INFOR.GET.ELEMENT.
  7. Save the file with a different name.
  8. Close all Excel or Word instances.
  9. Clear the Office and browser caches.
    • rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\IECompatCache
      rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\IECompatUaCache
      rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory
      rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
      rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies
      rmdir /S /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Wef
      rmdir /S /Q %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\AC\#!123\INetCacheFor Windows, use these shell commands:
    • For MacOS, clean these locations:
      ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.{host}/Data/Library/Caches/ where {host} is the Office host (e.g., Excel)
      ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.{host}/Data/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/16.0/Wef/ where {host} is the Office host (e.g., Excel)
    See Microsoft documentation to learn more about clearing the cache.
  10. To insert the new add-in, follow these steps:
    1. Replace the manifest file in the shared folder.
    2. Restart Microsoft Excel and open a worksheet or restart Microsoft Word and open a document.
    3. Select Insert > My Add-ins. On the SHARED FOLDER tab, select the add-in and click Add.
      The add-in is launched at the right side of the Excel worksheet and the Word document. You can drag the add-in window to another position and re-size it if required.