Select element
Depending on the type of analysis or chart that you selected, you can select single or multiple elements from the hierarchy.
Consolidated elements can be expanded to display their children. You can select consolidated elements, base elements, or both. Consolidated elements are those that contain one or more child elements. For example, Year is typically a consolidated element, with children which are also consolidated elements, such as Quarters, Months, and Weeks. Base elements are those with no children, or with no parent and no children. In this example, Day would typically be a base element.
The Select Element dialog box toolbar has these options, from left to right:
- : Search for a specific phrase within the elements of the selected hierarchy.
- : Click this icon to narrow your search.
- : Click this icon to narrow your previous search criteria. This is only enabled after you clear your filter selection.
- Note: If you select any elements, resetting the filter does not clear your element selection.
: Click this
icon to clear your search criteria and display the top level of the hierarchy.
- : Click this icon to move to the next element that meets the search criteria.
- : Click this icon to move to the previous element that meets your search criteria.
- : Click this icon to enable multi-selection in the hierarchy.