Ranking table
Movement analysis displays a table of values. The values in each column are in descending order. It is typically used to compare how an element, such as a product, performed over a number of periods, with time on the horizontal axis and the elements to be compared on the vertical. To determine which type of table you want to display, use these radio buttons located above the table of values.
- Elements
- Values
- Elements and values
The names of the elements form the row headers and, typically, each column represents a period.
Click on the first column of the period to select the leading time element which defines the rank of the row elements.
Click any row element, or any value in the table, to highlight the values for that element in each column. The selected element is reflected in the Comparison tab and Movement tab.
For example, here, Model C was ranked third in 2013, and second in 2014 but had fallen to fourth in 2015:
Rank | Product | All Years | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
1 | Model A | 5706297 | Model A | Model A | Model B |
2 | Model B | 5240979 | Model B | Model C | Model A |
3 | Model C | 3591655 | Model C | Model B | Model D |
4 | Model D | 3320565 | Model D | Model D | Model C |