Toolbar icons

This table shows toolbar buttons, icons, and options that are used in Ad-hoc Report:
Option Description
Export icon Export the page to a file such as .xls, .pdf, or .ppt.
Export to Excel icon Export the page to a Microsoft Excel .xls file.
Format icon Create and manage formats and styles.
Data icon Edit data definition of the ad-hoc report.
Horizontal vertical icon Switch dimensions between rows and columns axis. The element and structure selections are transferred with the dimension.
Suppress zero rows icon Enable zero suppression on rows and columns. Any row or column that contains only zero values is hidden. If the row or column contains at least one non-zero value, the zero values in that row or column are still shown.
Selection icon Create a selection of elements.
Move to icon Move the hierarchy to the row axis, column axis, or filters section.
Zoom in icon Drill down to details of the selected element. The report shows children of selected elements.
Zoom out icon Show the whole level above the selected element.
Expand all icon Expand multiple elements at once.
Collapse all icon Collapse multiple elements at once.
Keep selection icon Keep only selected elements in the report definition.