Error handling

Errors can be handled in different ways during the import.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="4.180.2" Class="Cube" Method="ImportCells">
    <Alea:CellBatch Cube="DCS_Planning" Delimiter=";" Server="Samples" BreakOnError="false">
AS600/175;01_2017;Unitssss;129;"Cell note 1"
AS600/175;02_2017;Units;"String cell"</Alea:CellBatch>

Optionally, the Server attribute can be used to help locate possible issues in case of errors. If this attribute was specified and errors occur, then its value is in the first column of the returned invalid lines.

If the optional BreakOnError attribute is set to false, any invalid lines are skipped and the import continues. The invalid lines are returned in the response. If BreakOnError is set to true or is missing, the request stops at the first invalid line and the values/cell notes that were processed until then are written into the cube. The invalid line is returned.


In this answer, actual horizontal tabulators are returned instead of \t.

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="4.180.2" >
    <Alea:Return>Samples\tDCS_Planning\tAS600/175;01_2017;Unitssss;129;"Cell note 1";65\t65\t
Samples\tDCS_Planning\tAS600/175;02_2017;Units;"String cell";;69\t0\t

The Return element contains the lines in which the errors occurred. If no error occurred, the Return element is empty. A line is delimited by horizontal tabs and contains this information:

  • The server indication from the request if it was specified.
  • The name of the cube.
  • The complete line from the ImportCells request.
  • The error code for writing the cell value.
  • The error code for writing the cell note.

These are some of the error codes:

  • 0: No error.
  • 65: The dimension element could not be found.
  • 69: The entered value does not match the value type of the cell.


This error is returned if, for example, the cube does not exist, no rights to write or synchronization problems.

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="001">
    <Alea:Error ErrorID="error_code" />