Rule debugging

Rule Debug provides technical information on the calculation of cube rules.

You can view reports or run processes to trigger rule calculations and use Rule Debug to analyze the number of rule-calculated cells and the calculation time of specific rules. This provides a better understanding of the rule calculations.

Rule Debug does not work with the former Rules Engine.

When activated, Rule Debug writes its output to the Application log. It does not log anything if only a single cell is calculated by rules.

Rule Debug disables multi-threaded calculations.

Enabling Rule Debug to analyze rule calculations and rule interactions may result in a very large number of log entries in the log table, depending on the number of cube rules running and the configured time frame for these logging operations.

Enabling Rule Debug affects performance.

Enabling Rule Debug immediately empties the calculated values cache; this may cause performance issues when enabling while there are active calculations.

The recommendation is to enable Rule Debug when OLAP is idle.

Use of this debug feature should be done with caution.