
To activate Rule Debug output:

  1. In EPM Administration, select Logs > Manage Application Logs.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Name box, specify a name for the filter.
  4. Click the Search icon in the Events box.
  5. Expand OLAP.
  6. Expand Calculation.
  7. Expand Rule Debug.
  8. Select the check boxes for Rule Debug Start and Rule Debug Stop.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. From the Minimum Level list, select Debug.
  11. From the Application list, select the application to monitor.
  12. In the Object Unique Names text box, the output can be limited to specific rules (comma-separated). The format is <cube name>:<0-based number of rule>.
  13. In the Users text box, the output can be limited to specific users (comma-separated) who triggered the rules.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Start the logging filter by clicking Start in the Lifetime section. Optionally, you can change the logging duration.