Language order

Languages can be identified using a locale identifier or a primary language identifier. For example:

  • German - Austria (AT) has the locale identifier (LCID) 3079 (hexadecimal 0x0c07).
  • German as a primary language has the identifier 7.

You can define translations for the neutral language. This language has the identifier 0.

If an object, such as a cube or dimension, has captions for more languages, the first non-empty caption is taken.

The order of languages where element captions are searched is:

  1. Translation using a dynamic attribute.
    1. Locale identifier.
    2. Primary language identifier.
    3. Neutral language
  2. Translation using a dimension attribute.
    1. Locale identifier.
    2. Primary language identifier.
    3. Neutral language.
  3. Element name.

The order of languages where object captions are searched is:

  1. Language defined by the locale identifier.
  2. Language defined by the primary language identifier.
  3. Neutral language.
  4. Object name. For example, level name for level caption.

The order of languages where descriptions are searched is:

  1. Language defined by the locale identifier.
  2. Language defined by the primary language identifier.
  3. Neutral language.


The client application is connected with LCID=3079 (German - Austria).

Element 'Jan' has captions defined for LCID=3079 'Jänner', for LCID=7 'Januar' and for the neutral language (LCID=0) 'January'.

Element 'Feb' has captions defined for LCID=7 'Februar' and for the neutral language 'February'.

Element 'Nov' has a caption defined for the neutral language 'November'.

No captions are defined element 'Dec'.

This can be defined in a table, too:

Member Captions
Name Neutral German German-Austria
Jan January Januar Jänner
Feb February Februar
Nov November

The captions are:

  • 'Jan' is 'Jänner', taken from the attribute German-Austria.
  • 'Feb’ is 'Februar', taken from the column German, as the column German-Austria is not filled.
  • 'Nov' is 'November', taken from the column Neutral as no German string is available.
  • 'Dec’ is 'Dec', the member name, as no caption is available.