Defining the calendar

The calendar defines the time structure used throughout the entire Infor EPM business application. The calendar provides years, quarters, and months in a defined range.

  1. Select Business Modeling > Calendar Settings.
  2. Define the start and end year.
  3. If your fiscal year differs from the calendar year, switch on Use Fiscal Year and select the start month of the fiscal year. Select one of these options, according to how your organization references its fiscal years:
    Option Option
    Previous Year The labels of the fiscal year periods start in the year prior to the calendar start year. For example, if the start year is 2019 and the fiscal year starts in April, then the first period of the fiscal year is April 2018 and its last is March 2019.
    Same Year The labels of the fiscal year periods start in the year in which the calendar starts. For example, if the start year is 2019 and the fiscal year starts in April, then the first period of the fiscal year is April 2019 and its last is March 2020.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To set a type of the year to a specific entity, select Business Modeling > Business Objects > Organizational > Entities.
  6. Select the type of the year in the Fiscal Calendars column.
    You can select multiple calendars.