Metric management

On the Metric Management tab, you manage foundational and calculated metrics for the Financial Reporting application.

Only members of the GL Modeler role have access to Metric Management.

To load default KPI Account Groups and calculated metrics, click Load Default on the Foundational Metrics and Calculated Metrics pages respectively.

To define which columns are displayed in the grid, click Columns, select Manage Properties, and select or clear the check boxes of the columns to view or hide respectively. In the Manage Properties dialog box, switch on Import Settings to define which columns to skip during upload.

To freeze columns in the grid, click Columns, select Freeze Columns, and select the column to freeze starting from the left of the grid.

To show the filter row and clear all active filters in the grid, click the three-dot icon and select Show Filter Row or Clear Filter respectively. The enabled filter row is marked with a blue check mark.

To narrow down the list of displayed metrics, select appropriate metrics and click Selected Only. To view a complete list, click Selected Only again or clear the check box in the header of the first column.

To save changes that you make in the grid, click Save. To make changes available to Financial Reporting, publish the model.