Page and report icons

This table describes the toolbar buttons, icons, and options for pages and reports:
Option Description
Home page icon Go to the Home page.
Folder with bookmarks icon Open a list to select favorites.
Wrench icon Open Configuration page.
Expand double chevron icon Show context configuration.
Modify context icon Modify the context.
Move left icon / Move right icon Scroll to the left and right to view the process steps on the Home page.
Go back icon Return to the previous page or dashboard, depending on context.
Maximize double chevron icon Maximize the context pane.
Minimize double chevron icon Minimize the context pane.
Expand list icon / Collapse list icon Expand or collapse a list.
Expand icon / Collapse icon Expand or collapse additional information on a page.
More icon Open a list to select Domain Definition.
Delete icon Delete an item.
Show selected items icon Show only selected items.
Export icon Export the page to a file such as .csv, .pdf, or .ppt. For some pages, only an export to a .csv file is available.
Import icon Import a file.
Upload file icon Select a file to upload.
No Scaling Open a list with options to use 1'000 scaling, 1'000'000 scaling, or no scaling for the values in the grid.
Records per page Select the number of rows to display. For example, 10, 20, or 50.
Page Click the right and left arrows to scroll through pages. Or, specify a number in the box to go to that page.