Running or canceling consolidation processes

You can run processes in different context combinations simultaneously or you can reverse the results of the previous run.

You can run consolidation processes only for open periods for specific groups or subgroups. You must have a group accountant role or a group accountant custom role.

Before you run a consolidation process, you must calculate the effective ownership of the group and run the Sum Up Balance process to transfer the adjusted entity trial balance to the group. On the Consolidation Process page, you can calculate group ownership for multiple context combinations simultaneously and include subgroups of the selected groups in the calculation.

Consolidation processes create journals based on the elimination setup.

  1. Select Consolidation Processes > Run Consolidation.
  2. Specify the context in which to run the processes.
    You can specify multiple versions, periods, and groups.
    Note: If you specify one group, then all its existing subgroups are processed automatically when you run consolidation processes. If you specify multiple groups and if any of their subgroups belong to more than one group, then subgroup handling for these groups cannot be used. In such a case, you must perform parallel consolidation for each parent entity separately. See "Parallel consolidation".
  3. In the grid, expand rows with the specified context combinations and view available processes for each combination.
    You can select a context combination to view the statuses of all processes that are connected with this context combination. You can select a process to view its status.
  4. To calculate group ownership for different context combinations:
    1. Click Calculate Group Ownership.
    2. In the Calculate Group Ownership dialog box, select the context combinations for which to run the calculation.

      You can select only context combinations that have open statuses. Currently, the group ownership calculation for management groups is not status-controlled.

    3. Optionally, to include subgroups of the groups from the selected context combinations in the group ownership calculation, select the Include Subgroups check box.
    4. Click Run Process.

      The result of the group ownership calculation is displayed in the Calculated column for each selected context combination. If you selected the Include Subgroups check box, then the context combinations with subgroups and their calculation results are also displayed in the grid.

      You can click the link in the Details column to jump to the Legal Group Ownership page or the Management Group Ownership page for a specific context combination. You can view or, if required, change the consolidation method for this context combination.

  5. To run consolidation processes, click New Process Run.
  6. In the New Process Run dialog box, select these elements:
    1. One or more context combinations in which to run processes.

      Context combinations in which at least one element does not have a status of Open cannot be selected.

    2. A sequence of processes to run or all processes.

      If, for some reason, some processes that are included in the selected sequence are not required to run, you can clear their check boxes to exclude them from the run.

  7. Click one of these options:
    Option Description
    Run Process Runs the selected processes.
    Cancel Previous Process Reverses the results of the last run of the selected processes.
    Note: If you selected multiple combinations in step 2 and if any of them contains at least one non-open process, then a warning is displayed. The combinations that contain non-open processes are excluded from the run.
    The progress and results of the run processes, including the affected subgroups and their top groups, are displayed in the panel on the right and can be copied to the clipboard. The Result columns for the selected context combinations and processes show the results of the run.