Color codes for process steps

Cards that represent process steps on the Entity and Group tabs are color coded. The color indicates whether a task exists for a specific process step and depends on a card's status and user role. For example, an open item may be marked as a task for an entity accountant but, not at that time, for a group accountant. Cards can have these colors:

  • Grey: No task to perform because the process step is not started. For process steps with the Open status in entity processes, this color means no task to perform by a group accountant.
  • Orange: A task exists.
  • Green: No task to perform because the process step is closed. For process steps with the Submitted status in entity processes, this color means no task to perform by an entity accountant.

A card with no color has no status. For example, an entity currency change, which may happen only once in an entity's lifetime.

This table shows the color changes of a card, according to its status and the user’s role, in entity processes:

Card status Entity accountant Group accountant
Not started Grey Grey
Open Orange Grey
Submitted or, in the case of the Intercompany Matching step if the entity-intercompany transactions have not been fully reconciled, Submitted (with Warning) Green Orange
Closed or, in the case of the Intercompany Matching step if the entity-intercompany transactions have not been fully reconciled, Closed (with Warning) Green Green

This table shows the color changes of a card, according to its status, in group processes:

Card status Group accountant
Not started Grey
Open Orange
Closed Green

An exclamation mark on a card indicates an error within the process step that the card represents.