Exporting journals

During the journal list export, all list columns are exported to a .csv file even if you hide some columns from view. During the export, all filters that you have set for the journal list are applied.

  1. On the Journal List page, select the context for the journals to export.
  2. After the selected journals are displayed in the grid, click Export Journals.
    In the Export Journals dialog box, the number of posted, draft, and canceled journals to export is displayed. You can remove journals with a specific status from the export, for example, canceled journals. To do that, clear the relevant check box.
  3. Click OK.
    A .csv file with the exported journals is downloaded. You can save it locally.
    Note: An exported .csv file has eight columns more than the .csv file template with which you can import journals. If you import the previously exported file, validation is also applied to the additional columns. These additional columns are used in an exported file:
    • Date: The date and time of a journal creation in an exported file. If you import a previously exported file, then the journal creation date and time are overwritten by the file import date and time.
    • Currency: Currency ISO code, for example, EUR.
    • Creator: In an exported file, the user who created the journal. If you import a previously exported file, then the creator is overwritten by the user who ran the import process.
    • Status: Saved for draft journals or Posted for posted journals.
    • Cancelled: Indicates whether a journal was canceled.
    • Auto/Man: Indicates if a journal is automatic or manual.
    • Carry Forward: Indicates whether a journal was rolled over.
    • Preceding Journal ID: Contains an ID of a preceding journal, if applicable.