Hierarchical segment consolidation with elimination elements
Hierarchical segment consolidation with elimination elements enables you to build a segment ownership structure to present consolidated segment areas that are related to each other. For example, the Europe segment and segment areas that belong to Europe, such as Austria, Sweden, Germany, Italy.
To enable hierarchical segment consolidation with elimination elements, select Segmentation Usage and Use of Elimination Items for Segments options.
. Click and enable theBy enabling the Use of Elimination Items for Segments option, these processes are enabled:
- HDE: Debts Elimination with Segments using extra Elimination elements
- HRE: Expenditure/Revenues Elimination with Segments using extra Elimination elements
Select Debts and Expenditures / Revenue tabs for the HDE and HRE processes respectively.
and view the list of processes on theFor each node in the structure of primary, secondary, and tertiary segments, an elimination element is created. The element's name consists of the parent element's name and the suffix _Elim. For example, Business Segments Total_Elim.
To ensure that an elimination that you configure will work correctly, analyze the configuration of the base data in the TSEGMG cube within the context of a configuration set, version, period, group, and the level of an adjusted entity data. For primary, secondary, and tertiary segments, base elements are exchanged with their direct parent elimination element. This does not apply for the partner segments in which only relevant base elements are booked.