Business Objects Configuration

The Business Objects Configuration integration table is used to store localized business object names and their language translations.

The use of business data from the Business Objects Configuration table is optional in Budgeting & Planning, Financial Consolidation, Financial Reporting, and Workforce Budgeting.

Note: Currently, you cannot load the Business Objects Configuration table into Business Modeling. This option will be delivered in a future release.

This table shows the properties of the Business Objects Configuration table and uses these abbreviations:

  • BP: Budgeting & Planning
  • CO: Financial Consolidation
  • FR: Financial Reporting
  • WB: Workforce Budgeting
  • R: Required
  • U: Used but optional
Field Description Type BP CO FR WB
DefaultNameUsage Mapping identifier to match a localized business object name with a specific business object.

For Budgeting & Planning, Financial Consolidation, and Workforce Budgeting, you must use one of these business object names:

  • Accounts
  • Entities
  • Analysis 1-5
  • Analysis 7-11
  • Segments 1-3
  • Organizations

For Financial Reporting, you must use one of these business object names:

  • Analysis 1-5
  • Analysis 7-11
  • Segments 1-3
  • Organizations
nvarchar R R R R
Name Localized business object name.

If left blank, then the Infor EPM default business object name is used. For example, Cost Center, Project, or Region.

nvarchar U U U U
SequenceID Numeric value that describes to which dimension an element belongs when the SourceSystemGLMovement budget BOD is being sent to a source system.

SequenceID is also used to map a source system custom dimensions to the Analysis 1-5 and Analysis 7-11 integration tables

integer U U U U
FinancialDimensionID Indicates the number of target dimensions for the Financial Reporting model publishing.

The valid values are from 0 to 13.

integer U
LangEN Name translated into English. nvarchar U U U U
LangDE Name translated into German. nvarchar U U U U
LangFR Name translated into French. nvarchar U U U U
LangES Name translated into Spanish. nvarchar U U U U
LangJA Name translated into Japanese. nvarchar U U U U
LangPT_BR Name translated into Portuguese (Brazilian). nvarchar U U U U
LangRU Name translated into Russian. nvarchar U U U U
LangIT Name translated into Italian. nvarchar U U U U
LangZH_CHS Name translated into Chinese (Simplified). nvarchar U U U U
LangCS Name translated into Czech. nvarchar U U U U
LangNL Name translated into Dutch. nvarchar U U U U
LangDA Name translated into Danish. nvarchar U U U U
LangSV Name translated into Swedish. nvarchar U U U U
LangNO Name translated into Norwegian. nvarchar U U U U
LangPL Name translated into Polish. nvarchar U U U U
LangTH Name translated into Thai. nvarchar U U U U
LangFI Name translated into Finnish. nvarchar U U U U
LangKO Name translated into Korean. nvarchar U U U U
LangMS Name translated into Malaysian. nvarchar U U U U
LangFR_CA Name translated into French (Canadian). nvarchar U U U U
LangZH_TW Name translated into Chinese (Traditional). nvarchar U U U U
LangID Name translated into Indonesian. nvarchar U U U U
LangVI Name translated into Vietnamese. nvarchar U U U U