Cash Flow Accounts

Business data from the Cash Flow Accounts business object can be used in Budgeting & Planning and Financial Reporting. In Workforce Budgeting and Financial Consolidation, that data is not used.

This table shows the properties of the Cash Flow Accounts business object and uses these abbreviations:

  • BP: Budgeting & Planning
  • CO: Financial Consolidation
  • FR: Financial Reporting
  • WB: Workforce Budgeting
  • R: Required
  • U: Used but optional
Field Description Type BP CO FR WB
ID Unique identifier of an account. nvarchar R R
Name Caption that is displayed if no language-specific translation is provided. nvarchar R R
ParentID Parent account ID.

If left blank, then Parent ID is by default assigned to the top-level All Accounts (TOTAL_ACCOUNT) value.

In multiple hierarchies, an account can be assigned to multiple parents. Do not assign an account to multiple parents in combination with weight 1 within the top-level All Accounts structure.
nvarchar U U
Weight Used to control the roll-up into parents.

Typically set to 1 for the accounts in the chart of accounts.

Must be set to 0 for statistical accounts of types S, T, M, and O. This is to prevent an aggregation of values within the chart of accounts.

float R R
OrderPosition Position of an element in the resulting dimension. integer U U
Method1 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method1 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • N: No conversion
  • PA: Periodic average rate
  • F: Closing rate
  • H: Historical rate
nvarchar R
Method2 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method2 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • N: No conversion
  • PA: Periodic average rate
  • F: Closing rate
  • H: Historical rate
nvarchar U
Method3 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method3 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • N: No conversion
  • PA: Periodic average rate
  • F: Closing rate
  • H: Historical rate
nvarchar U
Method4 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method4 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • N: No conversion
  • PA: Periodic average rate
  • F: Closing rate
  • H: Historical rate
nvarchar U
FormatString Used to define different value formats in Self-Service and custom reports. For example, integer values such as headcount are defined in the #,##0 format.

The default format is #,##0.00.

LangEN Name translated into English. nvarchar U U
LangDE Name translated into German. nvarchar U U
LangFR Name translated into French. nvarchar U U
LangES Name translated into Spanish. nvarchar U U
LangJA Name translated into Japanese. nvarchar U U
LangPT_BR Name translated into Portuguese (Brazilian). nvarchar U U
LangRU Name translated into Russian. nvarchar U U
LangIT Name translated into Italian. nvarchar U U
LangZH_CHS Name translated into Chinese (Simplified). nvarchar U U
LangCS Name translated into Czech. nvarchar U U
LangNL Name translated into Dutch. nvarchar U U
LangDA Name translated into Danish. nvarchar U U
LangSV Name translated into Swedish. nvarchar U U
LangNO Name translated into Norwegian. nvarchar U U
LangPL Name translated into Polish. nvarchar U U
LangTH Name translated into Thai. nvarchar U U
LangFI Name translated into Finnish. nvarchar U U
LangKO Name translated into Korean. nvarchar U U
LangMS Name translated into Malaysian. nvarchar U U
LangFR_CA Name translated into French (Canadian). nvarchar U U
LangZH_TW Name translated into Chinese (Traditional). nvarchar U U
LangID Name translated into Indonesian. nvarchar U U
LangVI Name translated into Vietnamese. nvarchar U U