System-generated detail elements

When you create a schedule, the Use Opening/Closing Balance option provides for the system to create an empty Opening balance element, for population by data import. A Closing balance element is also created.

The system also creates an element for currency translation differences.

If the Enable schedule detail distribution option is enabled and the model is published, then the default Difference to distribute element for each main schedule is created.

The system-generated elements are displayed in the grid, as schedule details, when you select an individual schedule from the drop-down list. The IDs of the system elements are the schedule ID plus one of these suffixes:

  • _OB: Opening balance
  • _CB: Closing balance
  • _FX: Currency translation differences
  • _NA: Difference to distribute

In editing system details in the grid, you have these options:

  • Opening and Closing balances: You can change the name, rate, basis, and group to entity detail.
  • Currency translation differences: You can change the name and the group to entity detail.
  • Difference to distribute: You can change the name, rate, and basis.