Line Details tab
Use the Line Details tab to provide additional information about the values on the Data Entry tab. Within finance data entry, you specify values on the account level, which may not always provide the required detail. For example, a value entered to the Travel Expenses (R&D) account does not indicate the types and amounts of expenses expected. But, if line details are enabled for the account, the value is also written to the Unassigned element on the Line Details tab.
You can plan on the Data Entry tab and then provide details on the Line Details tab.
To access the Line Details tab for the selected account, click the details icon on the Data Entry tab and select .
to add a detail line for each item.To search within the Name column, specify a phrase in the search box and press Enter.
You can use the Line Details tab to phase values from the Year level, on both the Line Details level and the Not Assigned level.
option on theYou can delete entered values for the Not Assigned level and for the Line Details level directly on the Line Details tab. The option deletes the entered data on the Year level, which sets to zero all values on related month periods within the year.