Configuration area
- Workflow
- The workflow area shows the status of the step, and a button to submit the step. If the status is Submitted, you cannot enter further data. This section is only displayed in the Planner view: that is if you open the workbook from the Tasks page.
- Decision Package Parameters
- Assign a name to each decision package that you create. The
ID of the decision package is generated automatically and is displayed
Click the
icon to view or specify dimension details. - Strategy
- For applications that are based on Designer, you can select the goal, strategy, and tactic
that the decision package is designed to fulfill.
Click the
icon to view or specify dimension details. - Selected Account
- Displays the currently selected account. An account that you select here is automatically highlighted and selected in the data entry page. You can also select accounts in the data entry page.
- Standard Dimensions
- The values that are displayed in the data entry pages represent the context
that is defined for these dimensions:
- Configuration set
- Version
- Entity
- Planning Step
- Currency
- Organizations, if activated. This is required to create positions in the decision package.
- Analysis Dimensions
- Any of the analysis dimensions that are assigned to a configuration set can be made available in a workbook, additionally to the standard dimensions.
- Report Functions
- The report functions can help
planners to navigate the financial accounts in data entry pages. Optionally,
one or more of these functions can be made available:
- Show Hierarchy If selected, this option displays a hierarchical view of the financial accounts, instead of a flat list.Note: The hierarchical view may include accounts that have not been activated for the planning step. If you splash a value on a parent account, the amount is splashed to all its child accounts. This includes any child accounts that are not activated for the planning step, unless the value of the child account is zero. Splashing is not enabled on accounts with zero values.
- Inverted Hierarchy
If selected, this option displays the parent elements in a hierarchy below their child elements.
- Show Only Active/Activated Accounts
Activated financial accounts are those that a planner can write values to. If selected, this option isolates the writable accounts from the non-writable accounts.
- Show Analysis
If selected, this option displays additional columns that compare values over years. In one column, you can select any of the financial years in the current configuration set. In a second column, you can select any financial year and version for comparison. The difference between the values in the two columns is shown as a percentage and in a waterfall chart. A trend chart represents the trend of the values over the selected years. You can add additional analysis columns to compare further years' values. Click the icon in the header of the second column and select
- Show Hierarchy
You can copy values from one analysis column to another.
You can collapse the configuration area to provide more space for data entry.