Hierarchical configuration through a CSV file

Use a comma-delimited CSV with these columns:

  • Column A: Organization unique name

    The organization unique name must match the ID that is used in the database. For applications that are based on Designer, you can find the ID of your organizations in the Id column in Designer.

    For applications that are based on Business Modeling, you can find the ID of your organizations through Business Modeling. Select Business Objects > Company Structures > Organizations.

  • Column B: Organization description

    You can add a description for your reference. When you import a hierarchical configuration from the CSV file, the content of this column is not imported.

  • Column C: User unique name
    The user unique name must match the ID that is used in the database.
    Note: The Admin user can be used with any valid role. Any valid user can be used with the Everyone role. No other combinations are allowed.
  • Column D: User description

    You can add a description for your reference. When you import a hierarchical configuration from the CSV file, the content of this column is not imported.

  • Column E: Role unique name

    The role unique name must match the ID that is used in the database.

  • Column F: Role description

    You can add a description for your reference. When you import a hierarchical configuration from the CSV file, the content of this column is not imported.

  • Columns G through K: Represent these measures:

      This column indicates which organizations are set as active.

      Valid values: 0: not activated, 1: activated

      Valid values: dates that are formatted as number without decimal places.
      Note: For data entry, use a date format. But before you import the CSV file, ensure that the due date column is formatted as number, without decimal places.

      This column specifies whether the responsible user can modify the data.

      Valid values: 0: modification not enabled, 1: modification enabled

      Note: Planners must always have modification enabled. If the modification flag is changed to 0 for a planner, 0 is converted to 1 during the CSV file import.

      This column sets the responsible planner or group to active.

      Valid value: 1: active


      Valid values: 0: the responsible planner is user-based, 1: the responsible planner is group-based.

    The order of the measures that are used in columns G through K is arbitrary. The first rows must contain the measure name.

Hierarchical configuration

This example shows sample data for hierarchical configuration of a planning workflow.

This table shows columns A through F with sample data. Columns B, D, and F contain an optional description that you can add for your reference. These descriptions are not imported when you import a hierarchical configuration from the CSV file.

For columns G through K, the first row contains the measure name that is represented by each column.

C401 Purchase Admin Administrative user that can be used with any valid role. AdministratorRole A built-in Administrator role 1 43465 1 1 1
C402 Logistics Guest Guest user with limited access rights. Everyone A built-in role that can be combined with any valid user. 1 43465 1 1 0
C403 Production ApproverFin User who can approve assigned steps or tasks. Everyone A built-in role that can be combined with any valid user. 1 43465 1 1 0

In the H column, the first row contains the due date measure, FEATURE_WF_DEFINITION_DUE_DATE. The due dates are represented by integers. In this example, 43465 represents December 31, 2018.