Configuring a take over option

You can select a Take Over Group Task option to allow planners, approvers, and any user who is a part of an assigned group to take over the group task and make changes in it. This option is valid for both non-hierarchical planning and hierarchical planning.

  1. Click Home.
  2. Select Business Configuration > Configuration Set-specific Settings > Workflow Configuration.
  3. In the Configure column, click the arrow icon of the application to which the planning step belongs.
  4. In the List of Workflow Steps table, select the step to configure, click Edit Step, and specify this information:
    Task Type
    Select Group option.
    Select the group that is responsible for completing the step and select Take Over Group Task Planner check box.
    Select the group that is responsible for completing the step and select Take Over Group Task Approver check box.
  5. In the Workflow section on the Data Entry tab, click one of these options as required:
    Option Description
    Release Group Task Unlocks your task so that another planner can take it over.
    Take Over Group Task Unlocks a task that has been locked by another planner.