Historical (H) translation method

The historical translation method is also designed for balance sheet accounts and the exchange rate can be any rate desired for the period. Exchange rates are specified by entity, account, and version.

The historical translation method is designed to accumulate the individually translated periods in order to retain the original translated value. An opening balance period is used in the historical translation method to bring forward past translated value. An opening balance rate is entered.


Period Opening Balance January February March Quarter 1
Data 5,000 1,000 1,100 1,000 8,100
Exchange Rate .995000 .990000 .990000 .990000 -
Translated Values 4,975 990 1089 990 8,044
Period January YTD February YTD March YTD Quarter 1
Data 5,000 6,000 7,100 8,100 8,100
Translated Values 4,975 5,965 7,054.00 8,044.00 8,044.00