Custom Details tab

To access the Custom Details tab for the selected account, click the details icon on the Data Entry tab and select Custom Details. The Custom Details tab is expanded by default. All the configured details, units and asset categories are visible.

Similarly to the Line Details tab, you can use the Custom Details tab to provide additional details about values on the Data Entry tab. The difference is that the values that you specify on the Custom Details tab are calculated. The calculations are predefined in the data model.

Note: If the Data Entry tab is deactivated, the Custom Details tab and other detailed tabs are deactivated as well.

You can specify values of custom detail lines that are assigned to an account or asset category and unassigned custom detail lines.

To search within the Name column, specify a phrase in the search box and press Enter. The search results include the corresponding unit costs and number of units.

You can specify data on the Custom Details tab only if unit costs have been defined for the selected configuration set, version, entity, and period.

This lets planners specify predicted unit sales, for example, without having to estimate the value of those sales. For example, an entity that sells various different components could apply this calculation to each component: Costs = Units * Cost per unit. The cost per unit is specified on the Custom Detail Maintenance page.

Planners then must only specify the predicted numbers of units.

You can plan on the Data Entry tab and then click the details icon, select the Custom Details option to provide details. Or, you can plan in detail directly on the Custom Details tab.

The Custom Details tab has these options:

Show DetailsHide or show the rows.
Show UnitsHide or show the Unit Cost and Units rows.
Show Asset Category DetailsHide or show asset category details.