Usage and example

To configure the input web extension, specify these parameters:

  • Mode: Specifies the color. The values are "Light", "Dark", "High Contrast", and "". The empty string value "" is equal to "Light".
  • Label: Sets the control label. An empty string value "" hides the label, required indicator, and information icon with a tooltip.
  • Value: Holds the current value. The actions are run only if the State parameter has the "Enabled" value.
  • Type: Defines the control type. The values are "input", "textarea", and "search".
  • Format: Specifies the format. The values are "text" (default), "number", "percentage", and "currency". The values are displayed according to the regional settings.
  • Custom Symbol: Adds a prefix with a maximum of five characters to the cell. Use to add a currency to your cell, for example, $ 300.
  • Maximum Length: Defines the number of characters that can be specified. If not provided, the default 300 is used.
  • Precision: Defines the number of decimals that are used by the "currency", "number", and "percentage" formats. The values are from 0 to 12. The default value is 0.
  • Mandatory: Defines whether the selection of an element is required. The default value is "FALSE".
  • Information: Provides a tooltip text for the Information icon. The empty string "" hides this icon.
  • Hint Text: Defines the hint text as a string. The hint text is displayed if no information is provided in input fields.
  • Error Text: If an error text is provided as a string, the control is rendered in an error state. Use the empty string "" to hide the error state. The "search" type does not support an error state.
  • State: Defines the control state as "Enabled", "Disabled", or "Read-only". The default value is "Enabled".
  • Dirty Flag: Shows if the value is changed after the report has been saved. Specify "TRUE" or "" to use the dirty flag indicator. Specify "FALSE" to ignore the flag.

This example shows how to configure the input web extension and store it in the report variables for further processing:

  1. Create an Application Studio report with the Sample Input name.
  2. Set the custom size of the column B to 200 pixels, rows 3 and 6 to 34 pixels, and row 9 to 100 pixels.
  3. Create the report variables with these names: InputValue, SearchValue, and TextareaValue.
  4. Specify this information:
    Cell D3
    Specify =ReportVariables.InputValue.Text.
    Cell D6
    Specify =ReportVariables.SearchValue.Text.
    Cell D9
    Specify =ReportVariables.TextareaValue.Text.
  5. To create a numeric input field, insert the Input web extension in the cell B3.
  6. In the Format Web Extension dialog box, specify these values:
    Specify ="Light".
    Specify ="Input".
    Specify ="D3".
    Specify ="Input".
    Specify ="Number".
    Custom Symbol
    Specify ="$".
    Maximum Lengths
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="2".
    Specify ="False".
    Specify ="This is a number input field.".
    Hint Text
    Specify ="Enter number".
    Error Text
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="Enabled".
    Dirty Flag
    Specify ="".
  7. Click OK.
  8. To create a search field, insert the Input web extension in the cell B6.
  9. In the Format Web Extension dialog box, specify these values:
    Specify ="Light".
    Specify ="Input".
    Specify ="D6".
    Specify ="Search".
    Specify ="".
    Custom Symbol
    Specify ="".
    Maximum Lengths
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="False".
    Specify ="This is a search field.".
    Hint Text
    Specify ="Search database".
    Error Text
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="Enabled".
    Dirty Flag
    Specify ="".
  10. Click OK.
  11. To create a text area, insert the Input web extension in the cell B9.
  12. In the Format Web Extension dialog box, specify these values:
    Specify ="Light".
    Specify ="Textarea".
    Specify ="D9".
    Specify ="Textarea".
    Specify ="".
    Custom Symbol
    Specify ="".
    Maximum Lengths
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="False".
    Specify ="This is a text area.".
    Hint Text
    Specify ="Enter description".
    Error Text
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="Enabled".
    Dirty Flag
    Specify ="".
  13. Click OK.
  14. Save and view the report in a web browser.