Example of using WBC with the #COPY writeback method
A common requirement in planning applications is to copy data from one area of a cube to another. A typical example is copying actual figures from one financial year into a forecast for a subsequent year.
The example is based on the Analysis cube.
In this example, you overwrite a budget value for 2017 with an actual value for 2016 . The actual and budget figures are derived by an ROC and an RWC formula respectively. The RWC formula enables the budget value to be written back.
The arguments of the ROC and RWC formulas are cell references. The referenced cells contain the unique names of elements. Both formulas reference the same cells, with the exception of those that hold the period and the value type.
Copying the actual value to the budget is achieved with a set parameters action. The action references a WBC formula that has the #COPY writeback method as an argument.
#COPY cannot copy values that are calculated by rules. It is for this reason that the example references the Units element of the Measures dimension rather than, for example, Gross Margin.